Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mostly DotA Content

Alright, people are asking for the release of a second post, therefore I'm going to listen to their requests this time (the one and only time anyway) and release this post out for everyone who cares to read. As you know, this blog is new, and there are quite a number of stuffs to be fixed on this blog. I have just added a tag board at the right hand side of this blog and also more links coming up that will be connected to unoriginalism/boredism. However, as a note, that the frequency of my post posting will be directly proportional to the amount of readers reading unoriginalism/boredism. So guys, you know what to do!

This post may have been long overdue, but that may not be the case (*Hints*). The topic for the post today will entice a target group of gamers to read this post. Yes. Some of you may have heard this game before, some of you probably will not understand a single thing I am going to say in the later part of this post, and some of you might just go crazy over it. Unlikely though, because it's DotA.

Feeling bored while doing my final year project in school, I became determined to sit at my desk and blog. Why would I blog about DotA at this time when I am supposed to do work and complete my assignments and projects? Simple. Cause I didn't have any ongoing projects currently, well, at the very least not for today. So I allowed myself to engage in euphoric activities that give me immense satisfaction by winning a game of DotA or two. Hence the need to blog about it.


To start it off, for those who didn't know, I was a total, complete noob in DotA back in 2005, that was when I first started playing the game seriously. I could vividly remember the very first game that I played on my it-was-really-not-very-fast-at-all desktop and the game was a total bomb. The computer processor was so tortisefied that the display simply keeps freezing at 3 second intervals, and I was being banished to a helpless state where I just sat in front of the computer and waited for freezing process to be completed. To make matters worse, I totally lacked the skills to locate my Visage on the screen and all I knew was that my kill-death score was 0-17. Pawned.

Fast forward to 2006/07. I finally learnt the game play techniques used in DotA. I changed my desktop system. It was one of the most wonderful gifts I ever had from the 06/07 period: to be able to own a decent, fast-processing computer with the ability NOT to freeze at 3 second intervals, and I thank God for that! Ever since my desktop system was changed, my DotA games generally went uphill. I could really enjoy the games without the inevitable need to be banished to a helpless state. Anyway my choice of heroes in DotA became diversified, instead of the usual Lion/Visage/QOP hero choices, which really suck when it was passed on to me in the game during the pre-computer changing era, I started to use many other heroes and I finally found The Hero that I know I was fated to use him.


This is the very first hero that I had critical success with. In fact, he is the most successful hero that I have used so far for the past 3 years of my DotA conquest. With almost 20 kills and 1 death, this hero definitely is my favourite hero of all times, and obviously I am not trying to show-off here, I just need to produce some textual proof to explain why I consider this to be the most successful hero I have used. All you have to do for this hero is simply to backstab, impale, mana burn and DAGEON and you will own. Trust me. The only displeasure I have about NA is that I hardly see people using him, and it makes him look like an along-the-lines-of-a-KOTL hero (I will explain more on KOTL in the later portion of the post). In other words, underrated. If only people knew that there were other interesting heroes other than POTM and Shadow Fiend (SF), such as NA, the DotA community would not be as 100% predictable as it is now.

Well, currently, for 99.98% of the games ever found in the DotA community, the probability of 1 player choosing either a POTM or an SF is 1. The probability of an SF player buying lothar's edge is 0.99, the remaining 0.01 is due to the SF being a noob that simply couldn't farm enough to buy a lothar's edge. The SF will then use the purchased lothar's edge to make himself invisible, and he will sneak up to other players and do his extremely sensational, bondage-releasing ultimate that causes everyone to scream out their final "urrgh", which echoes out from the computer speakers and then they will fall down gracefully (like Lina Inverse) onto the pixilated grasses, rapidly degenerating into bones and then the death timer shows up on the top right side of the screen. Pawned.

This is what I meant by 100% complete predictability in the DotA community. And I have yet to mention about KOTL, which was stereotyped as a lame and useless hero by many people. Well, all KOTL ever needs to do is to blast!


Regarded as one of the most rubbish intelligence heroes by many, KOTL has indeed earned a unique reputation for himself. The person who gets the luck and privilege to use him, is not spared from the intense bashing of those anti-KOTLs either. A player who decides to use KOTL will be under heavy scrutiny throughout the whole game, especially during the peak periods of the game such as during mid and late game periods. Any mistake made by the player, and I mean any, will result in extreme criticism and disapproval from the rest of the teammates. Take for example, a player is in the middle lane of the scrouge side soloing using KOTL. One of his teammates from the top lane declares to be AFK. The player using KOTL charges up his illuminate skill, and misses, for whatever reason. Within the next second the player will see that the chat space is being spammed and filled up almost instantaneously by his teammates, including the AFK player, with the content of the chat space going along the lines of:


And last but not least, "OI, DERREL!!!"

Poor me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


How time flies by. One 45-degree turn of my head and three years simply flashed past me, in a jiffy. For those who have been reading my old blog, well I guess you know how childish the blog was. Recently I was browsing through my old blog and my, it was utterly embarassing to read, let alone reading OUT LOUD. That kept me headachingly wondering how did I manage to type out such childish and wierd posts without feeling overwhelmed by such crap and lameness excreating rapidly through the edges of my computer screen. It simply feels worse than looking at a, well, blue screen of death. =/

Anyway, after reading the archives of my old blog, I realised that certain things in life will never be the same one you reach a particular milestone in life. When I started that old blog I was only around 15 years old, and when you are 15 your peers will be influenced by you, and vice versa. Hence all of you will enjoy each others way of actions and ideas. However, things that you do when you are 15 might not work well with new peers, or even with new people, especially when a person grows up.

Sometimes I often fail to realise that I'm already growing up, and that I'm going to be an adult soon. And when things do not seem to go in the correct way I want or go well, such as social relationships or even ideas and opinions about anything, be it work of life issues, the 'sad' or the 'whiny' me will gloom about it and the one definite solution will be to COMPLAIN. My old blog is a perfect example.

Now for the adgenda of this new blog: I guess it's time to move on. I am not going to deny the fact that I have grown up, and this blog is the perfect move to end off the old blog that no one reads, anyway. This post shall mark the confirmation that, to me, one's maturity needs to be reflected on his/her age. If you are 15, act like a 15 year old kid. If you are 20, wisen up and act according to circumstances. It may be a sad fact but that's life for everyone. However, that's not to say no one should relish the moments that they have as a kid at all. Being funny and goofy at times can be great fun too. Just be yourself and know what to do when the time comes for you to make decisions, including any events that could possibly occur in life.

Well, move along.